Project DetailsConsortium




Dnipro national university of railway transport named after academician V.Lazaryan (UD) in Ukraine.

Ukrainian university for rail transport. State of the art software tools and test equipment to perform experiments for electrical transport. The recruited fellows will be able to use all facilities of the faculty available to other employees


University of Nottingham (UN) in United Kingdom

The power electronic lab is the largest in the UK and a key laboratory in Europe, and will be used for experiments for validation of. Fully instrumented and equipped experimental EMC laboratory. Access to HPC facility for validation of models and simulation


University of Twente (UT) in Netherlands

State of the art software tools and multi-channel digitisers and processing, test equipment (VNA, TDR). Power electronic laboratory for performing experiments. EMC equipment to perform experiments for validation of the models and simulation results


ETUT aims for an industrial and scientific cooperation with our partners:

Network Rail

NR has experience with EMC in the rail   sector in both power delivery and signalling. Detailed data on electrical   impedances of Network Rail equip-ment for EMC. In-house developed EMC   analysis software. Focusing on complex railway stations.

MM Tech

MMT has a wealth of experience in   the design, construction and operation of electric vehicles using the latest   technology as well as design and construction techniques

Lambda Engineering

Lambda Engineering is a small engineering company performing research,   training and consultancy to large companies. It has dedicated equipment for   power line interference measurements and investigations.


Multinational company in safety critical complex systems. 106 engineers,   15 EMC laboratories, and 5 of them are accredited. All key EMC facilities are   available for the Early Stage Researcher (ESR) to use. THALES, as complex   system integrator.


Transavtomatics is a scientific and industrial company with the main   objectives in designing and implementing signalling, micro-processor and   relay interlocking systems, automatic crossing alarm systems.

Prydniprovska Railway

One of the largest branches of Ukrainian railway which serves for biggest   industrial cities. Includes more than 244 stations. Main objective:   maintaining and implementing new railway automation devices.